Light and magic are undeniably the most important ingredients to make great films.
Marilyn Manson once said that “Music is the strongest form of magic” and we agree with him. And that’s where we thrive. Helping artists to materialize their vision and producing solutions to make them come to light. Light and magic are undeniably the most important ingredients to make great films. Here are some of the great scenes we created together. Her name is jasmim and she wants to tell you a story about a “boy who cast a spell”.
Client: Jazzy Moon
Music: The boy who cast a spell
Production Company – ZOF
Executive Producer – Ricardo Figueiredo
Producer – Joana Barros
Producer Assistant – Ana Boatto
Director – Pedro Valdjiu
Creation – Jazzy Moon & Margarida Santos |
DOP – João Carneiro
Editor – Edgar Esteves
Colorist – Daniel de Laranja | cor_de_laranja
Cast – Jazzy Moon & Mykola (OneWay Models)
Scene Car – Rusty Roger | rustyroger7